Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Obama's Spending Mania

Anyone who knows me knows that my biggest complaint about former President George W. Bush was his runaway spending.  In concert with a Republican Congress that should have known better (and that was punished for it at the polls in 2006 and 2008), President Bush ushered in the age of Republican Party Big Government.  From the federalization of public education under "No Child Left Behind" to the massive bailouts of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, President Bush proved that he knew how to spend my money.  But how about President Obama?  Now, there is a politician who really knows how to spend my money.  In an article for The American, Veronique de Rugy provides graphic evidence of the massive spending of the Obama Administration:

Oh my.  Read the article, and remember that the projected deficits of the Obama years do not factor in the massive costs of his proposed health care "reforms".

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