In the wake of the Chosen One's most recent State of the Union performance on Tuesday night, a few points to consider about the Class-Warrior-in-Chief and his platform of redistribution:
- How about the President's primary stage prop for his State of the Union speech, that poor, abused secretary of Warren Buffet? Well, it turns out she is making a salary that puts her well within the bounds of "the 1%", and she just purchased herself a second home in Arizona, complete with a swimming pool and a "professional PGA putting green." The poor dear.
- As proof that the White House has a fundamental disconnect with those of us who actually pay our taxes, it turns out that of the 437 senior aides to the President on the White House staff, more than 8% owe back taxes to the United States Treasury amounting to the tidy sum of $833,000.00.
- The Economist has taken the President to task for his zero-sum oratory as he describes a world in which the only way for America to get ahead is by grinding the rest of the world into the dust. Such oratory should not surprise anyone who has been paying attention, given that the zero-sum game has been a hallmark of Democratic Party class warfare for decades. After all, the only possible explanation for the fact that some people have more is because they have taken it from those who have less, right?
- I just spent six days in New Orleans as 2012 began, the first time I have taken away from work in two years. I paid for trip from my own pocket. Too bad I was not able to go on the taxpayer-paid plan, like the President and his family during their trip to Hawaii at about the same time I was away. The Obama Family Vacation cost taxpayers $4 million. I don't think they were driving around in the family truckster at that price. This follows the First Family's eleven-day trip to Martha's Vineyard in August, during which they stayed in a house that rents for $50,000 per week. How's that for class warfare?
- Meanwhile, the President's thin skin, which has been in evidence more times than anyone can count, has begun to get in the way of his ability to project even the most basic level of civility. When you are The Chosen One, it is just so hard to put up with those pesky people who question you.
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