Thursday, March 4, 2010

Debunking the Administration's Claims About the Cost of Obamacare

Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District served as the lead-off batter for the GOP at President Obama's Healthcare Summit last week, and he hit it out of the park.  While the President continues to lie about the true cost of his healthcare plan, Rep. Ryan did an outstanding job explaining how the President's numbers simply do not add up:
"The bill has ten years of tax increases and ten years of Medicare cuts to pay for six years of spending. The true ten year cost when subsidies kick-in? $2.3 trillion. . . Does this legislative effort bend the health care cost curve?  It does – but in the wrong direction. It bends the cost curve up, not down.  Essentially, this bill chases ever higher spending with ever higher taxes. The taxes never catch up, resulting in ever higher deficits."
Despite the President's relentless focus on his health care plan, the American people are not buying it.  The lastest polling from Rasmussen shows that 52% of American's oppose the President's plan, while only 44% favor it.  Of the 52% who are oppposed, 43% say that they strongly oppose the plan, while only 22% of those in favor of the President's healthcare agenda say that they strongly support it. 

The American people are much smarter than the President appears to believe.  They understand that you cannot create a vast new government entitlement program without spending a vast amount of money--money that we simply do not have.  The President seems to be telling us to "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" while the great and powerful Oz uses smoke and mirrors to disguise the insanely high cost of his healthcare agenda.
Take the time to listen to Rep. Ryan's complete opening remarks, and pay attention as the camera occasionally flashes to the President's face.  Notice that pained, pinched expression?  It is the expression of a man confronted by the truth, and the truth hurts.

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