Monday, March 15, 2010

Mapping America's Future

Do you want to see a rational alternative to the nanny-state liberalism of the Obama Administration?  Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), who stood up to President Obama at the so-called "Health Care Summit" discussed in the IVM post below, has presented a plan to put America on the road to a secure financial future while still addressing the important issues of health care availability and runaway entitlement spending.  Unlike Obamacare, which will increase the cost of health care for every single American while driving the nation into financial ruin, the health care proposals within Rep. Ryan's Roadmap for America's Future would:
  • Provide a refundable tax credit to every single American to be used to pay the cost of health insurance coverage.  (Hmmm, where have I heard this before?  Oh yeah, I said it.)
  • Break the current connection between employment and health insurance, thus creating a system of true insurance portability.
  • Provide individuals with choices in health insurance by leaving the decision-making about what is the best fit to the individual rather than to employers.
  • Get rid of the current health insurance tax subsidy that benefits large companies at the expense of small employers and self-employed individuals.
  • Make health insurance universally available to every single American regardless of age or medical history.
  • Encourage competition within the marketplace of health services, thus driving down costs.
So, are you ready to sign on now?  I certainly am.  Too bad that Congress seems intent on driving all of us off the cliff behind the wheel of Obamacare.

The Roadmap addresses other important issues too:  fixing the unfair and incomprehensible tax code; reforming the Federal budget system; and dealing with the looming disaster of entitlement debt to programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.  And the next time you hear that the Republicans do not have a plan to address the issues important to average Americans--or worse yet, that Republicans are heartless beasts that don't care about the plight of average Americans--file it away as just the dying gasps of the beast that is the liberal nanny-state.

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