Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama vs. Fox News

I find the current back-and-forth between the White House and Fox News to be fascinating, and not a little disturbing.  Fascinating because Fox obviously hits the President in his weak spots, and he doesn't like it, oh no not one little bit.  ACORNs, anyone?  Disturbing because the Administration's isolation of Fox seems a lot like the type of behavior to be expected from a tyrant, not a democratically elected head of state.  Remember President Nixon's enemies list?  No small number of the names on Nixon's list were journalists and news organizations that reported facts and stated opinions that did not show Nixon in the best light.  Sounds familiar, doesn't it?  Sure, Fox News has Glenn Beck, who is an undeniable nut case.  But MSNBC has Keith Olbermann, who is no less of a nut case, albeit for the opposite end of the political spectrum.  For every Shawn Hannity, there is a Rachel Maddow.  The White House needs to get down from its high horse and stop treating Fox News like a pariah.

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