Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Updates on the Big Chill

Following up on yesterday's post:

The Daily Mail of London asks "Whatever happened to global warming?"

From the United States Senate's Committee on Environment and Public Works:  "More than 650 international scientists dissent over man-made global warming claims."

The science reporter for the Houston Chronicle muses:  "The problem is that some climate scientists and environmentalists have been so determined to see something done about carbon dioxide emissions -- now -- that they have glossed over the uncertainties.  Uncertainties like: maybe there isn't a linear relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature, and maybe the planet will cool for a couple of decades even as carbon dioxide emissions accelerate."

Reporter Andrew Bolt, writing in the Herald-Sun of Australia about the turnabout in reporting at the BBC (see my post from yesterday for the BBC article):  "This is like the moment in the Emperor’s New Clothes, in which the boy calls out:  'But he’s naked.'"

Even The New York Times weighs in with an article questioning the relevence of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:  "Specialists in climate modeling warn that governments may have overinflated expectations that science can reliably forecast how global warming will play out locally."

The question now is whether any of the growing skepticism will lead to the death of the disastrous cap and trade bill now under consideration in the United States Senate.

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