Monday, October 5, 2009

Whole Foods and the Health Care Debate

John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods Market, Inc., recently penned an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal in which he denouced the planned government takeover of health care.  As a result, he was demonized by the liberal media and other special interests for which government-run health care is a sacred cow.  This past weekend, Mr. Mackey sat down for an interview with The Wall Street Journal to discuss a wide variety of topics, including the fallout from his op-ed piece, the creative power of capitalism, the greed represented by out-of-control CEO pay, and other issues.  He is a fascinating man.  Check out the interview.

1 comment:

PigHelmet said...

What a great guy! This has to be one of the smartest interviews I've read in recent months. Thanks for pointing it out to me.